Early on the 4th of July...running through the sprinkler!
Austin & Cole....went shopping at a firework stand in Independence...
Cole always seems to go for "big" items while, Austin goes for the pictures on the package!
So, I am embarrassed to just now be trying to catch up on my postings but this summer has been so crazy! Cole and Austin have been busy with T-ball and Swimming lessons, having weekly fun with their nanny/babysitter who we all love to death-Lacey...... and Love to talk about Kindergarten....when, when, where, who their teacher will be, when it starts....can they sit next to each other, can they get new clothes, and Austin is thrilled about going shopping for school supplies while, Cole just wants to play on the big-boy playground!
I have been swamped at work but I LOVE LOVE my job, Lance is busy at his job as well, but our business with the hazelnuts continues to grow...nuts or at least the "blanks" are already beginning to fall. Promising for a big year... we have signed many new customers! Hopefully, we will hit 3 million pounds this year.
Lance and I just got back from a biking trip in Montana!! I have not been there since I was born-to sum it up in one word-AMAZING! A week was simply not long enough! While there...
I fell in love.......with Yoga!! I went to a Yoga class one evening before going to a quaint little Wine bar and well, I have been going to Yoga about 3 days a week since. It is a great work-out, very calming, and quieting to the spirit and I just love it!
We love having company out here!! With the river within walking distance, our fabulous deck, a Rogue Brewery Tasting Room opening down the road in two weeks (1/4 of a mile from our door)and near picture-perfect view out any window........ our house has been a hub for the Kirk's and Grott's this year!! We have so much fun with them!!
My sister and her girls visit in almost ten days where I am sure we will play hide and go seek in the hop yards and pick fresh green beans in the acres that surround our house! Literally, 10 steps from our front and back door! And, of course Jen and my's laugh/cry/laugh sessions after all the kids are in bed and the house is quiet! We can't wait...
As for trying to catch up with photos.....I suppose I will start with 4th of July. I could go back further but that would mean more digging through folders on my computer! Enjoy!
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