Cole & Austin being silly with "ant glasses" they got in the mail from Great Grandma!
It has been a busy few months....the boys have become known for their "one-liners" among our family and friends...
the things our boys come up with are hilarious most of the time and sometimes have the
shock and ahh' effect! Where I am left speechless....trying to put a quick response together in my head. Their intelligence far surpasses anything I ever imagined it could be at this age.
I love this age!!
We approach their first season of T-ball after spring break...which requires every child to have their own baseball mit....and I can't wait to see how that plays out. During that same week, we will meet Cole and Austin's kindergarten teacher for next year....I don't know where the time has gone....5 years old, going on what feels like much much older.
I already miss the babies they once were.
So, friends and family......enjoy your children every minute!

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Dad and Me......
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