The Family...
I don't know where the time has gone!! Yesterday we celebrated with our closest friends and family. I made the Kirk's traditional red cake which ended up being quite a chore but no one complained.
Thank you to all of you who came and sent gifts! These little boys are spoiled beyond their means! We are going to be working on our thank you's next week. Austin is excited to use his new pens and the fancy paper I bought for him to write thank you notes! I don't really think Cole was listening during that conversation.......he is still on the floor playing the toy truck from Uncle Eric and Jaimy! Thanks to everyone!!
Austin showing off his balloon!
Cole trying out his new T-ball set....he continued to hit line-drives!!
What a little athlete!
Hadleigh (3), Austin (5), and Ashtyn (4),Cole...missing
Their is something magical about these cousins......they love each other one minute and the next, they are fighting over a toy...but one things for sure.....they LOVE to spend time together!!

Oh, there he is.....checking out his new truck & trailer. Cole does'nt stop moving for much but when he does...he is often amazed by something!
Grandma Martin and Grandma Debbie

Grandpa Martin, Uncle Christian, and Auntie Jenny

Grandma Joe, Uncle Eric & Jaimy.....and Austin..
those darn packages!!!
Can I still say, "Mommy & Me?"
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