1 hour after being born, a machine breathing for him, within 3 hours Cole was breathing on his own....medically - a miracle.
Cole was baby A and Austin, baby B.
This photograph speaks volumes...and even after I have found it in the archives of my computer, it makes my heartache and my stomach tighten....my eyes fill with tears.
Daily, I would write letters to Cole and Austin because we could not touch them, I would cry every day and pray for them to just survive through the night!
It is hard to imagine for some....giving birth to your baby and just touching them would send their system into complete shutdown and their heart rate would drop...
It was day 9 when we first held Cole
...A true test of faith...

Day 16 - Austin had a machine helping him breath for 12 days.
This is a nurse handing Austin to me for the first time.....I was terrified!
Notice the size of Austin's foot in comparison to my thumb.
Be thankful for your children and their health......
cherish your lives!
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