Thursday, June 7, 2012

2012 Easter at the Beach

                   Easter at the Beach!

It has been awhile since I visited this online journal.....I have been scrapbooking our daily lives.....journalling on paper.....and then almost 1 year later.....I remember this place.  As the boys finish 2nd grade, their first 3000 race....I'm shocked to have them closer to 3rd grade...closer to being 9 yrs old...and getting further and further from mommy being "cool" and wanting to "cuddling"....I've got a few years left on Cole, I hope.  There is so much to say about each very different twin Cole or Austin but let the photos do the talkin'.  I promise to be better... Summer holds the boys' first theatrical debut in Robin Hood at Majestic Theatre, Track & Field, Football, Swimming, House Boat for a week, and more Sylvan.