Thursday, June 7, 2012

2012 Easter at the Beach

                   Easter at the Beach!

It has been awhile since I visited this online journal.....I have been scrapbooking our daily lives.....journalling on paper.....and then almost 1 year later.....I remember this place.  As the boys finish 2nd grade, their first 3000 race....I'm shocked to have them closer to 3rd grade...closer to being 9 yrs old...and getting further and further from mommy being "cool" and wanting to "cuddling"....I've got a few years left on Cole, I hope.  There is so much to say about each very different twin Cole or Austin but let the photos do the talkin'.  I promise to be better... Summer holds the boys' first theatrical debut in Robin Hood at Majestic Theatre, Track & Field, Football, Swimming, House Boat for a week, and more Sylvan.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

MY BOYS.. Rodeo time!

"Real Cowboys"
Lance, Austin & Cole
St. Paul Rodeo
July 4, 2011

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Trip to WA. for photograpy, wedding, cousins

My boys are growing so they grow my heart grows! cider......

While doing the photography for my cousin's Washington...I

spent time with my sister and my nieces! The twins and I managed to destroy my

sister's house in only a few short days!

My sister and pretty Hadleigh!

Crazy Cousins!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Kirk Family circa 2004

Family in the orchard...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fall Cocktail our with my parents....
Family at the Cabin Reunion...

The while Martin Klan......on a walk

Our boys with a scary Ronald!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

D & D wedding

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wedding day for friends

Cole with a hotdog on a stick...running through the garden..

Friends at a wedding...Lacey, Me, Cole and Carrie (Austin took the photo!)